Creating the tradition

Here's page 2. I'm not sure exactly what the plan is for "Against the Wall"... right now we're working on obtaining publisher support. I think I'd like to release it on the web (in a .pdf format) to build some support and if we can't get a publisher behind us, do a POD thing, with a small print run we can sell at cons and such (also, it'd be a swell way to re-introduce publishers to the concept, as in "Hey, we finished the book, and we've sold this many independently - why not help us reach a mass audience.") In the mean time, I thought it'd be nice to show everyone some pages, to maybe get some opinions about the story... a preview, if you will. I don't know how many pages you'll all get to see (I'll have to discuss that with Dino) but I imagine it'll be enough t give you a taste of what we've got. and if you like it, by all means, drop us a line. Encouragement is always appreciated!

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