Ah Stuff!

Amos Trent won't be comicg out from Image. I don't know if this had anything to do with a comment I made about Erik Larsen's lack of appreciation for Chris Ware's latest on Chris Butcher's blog, but I doubt it. Probably have a full schedule or whatever. That's fine, I know it's a good piece of work and if Chris and I had bigger names, it'd have been picked up already. As it stands, it's still available for that lucky publisher, so if you have an opening on your schedule and you publish comic books, give me a shout. For that matter I have a baseball romance with Dino Caruso that's still waiting for the right home. Anyway...

Brian Hibbs of Comix Experience has a new "Tilting at Windmills" column up at Newsarama. Very interesting and informative. I learn something new about this industry everyday...

Now for some art:

This is a sample page for something I hope to be working on soon...


Anonymous said...


First of all, I'm sorry to hear that your book was rejected by Image. That's never fun.

However, it's very telling that in one brief paragraph you offer up three consecutive excuses for its rejection:

a)that Erik Larsen is so petty that he would refuse to publish your work because of a critique you made on a blog;
b) that the Image Comics publishing schedule is so full that they don't have room for your book;
c) that you aren't a "big name" creator.

There is, I'm afraid, a fourth and far more likely reason - that your work is not up to publishable standard. Having examined the examples here on your website I'm compelled to say that *I* certainly wouldn't publish your work, if I were in a position to do so, for no reason other than it's simply not good enough to be published.

I'm trying not to make this come across as an attack, or sounding needlessly mean, and I really hope you don't take it that way. I do think, though, that you need to stop blaming outside factors for your rejection, and start honestly examining the quality of your efforts. Judging from the work you have on display, you have a long road ahead before you will be good enough for publication, and with perseverence and a stronger sense of self-awareness you may get there.

Good luck with it.

Shawn said...

Well, self awareness aside (yeah, I know I'm not as good as some people in the industry but I know I'm better than many others), I'd be more receptive to comments like this if they weren;t left by an anonymous user.

I do think the work is good enough to be published. I have been published by several independents. No, I don't think my blog comments are the reason; however in this industry of fragile egos, I wouldn't be surprised if it factored in. If you see my ranting on a seldom read blog as excuses, ok, but whatever. It's my blog and I can make all the excuses I want.

I'm sure in the end, one of us will be proven right...

Anonymous said...

Immediately after I left the original comment I thought to myself ,"he's probably going to dismiss it because it's anonymous."

Tell you what, next time I see you in person (and I probably will at some point, as I've seen you in person before), I'll come and say hello and own up to my identity. If you'd rather know right away I'll send you an email...

Shawn said...

Well, yeah, I'd like to know. So why don't you email me? Thanks!