It's 1978 again!

Joe Quesada is a genius. He's made Spider-man newsworthy, yet again, although I'm not sure I love what Marvel is doing (the last time he was newsworthy, he was revealing his secret identity to the world. So I guess i didn't love what they were doing last time either!). Of course, if you're a comics fan, you've probably heard of the ret-con or re-boot they've done on the Spider titles, and while that's a nice idea to bring in uninitiated Spidey readers, it seems to have ruffled a lot of feathers. I can see that side to it too - I guess as long as the stories are being kept interesting (and change, as they say, is as good as a rest), they'll be worth following. I should note that I don't actually read Spider-man, but I found the hub-bub interesting. Oh well, maybe next they'll announce they've found Captain America alive, frozen in a block of ice!

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