Just about done...

Well, the website is looking spiffier, I think. I'm sure I'll work out minor tweaks here and there, but it should be easier to add content now - maybe I'll even start updating it again!

Anyway, I have a bunch of work to do now...

OLS #3 is begging for my attention. I want to finish that up by the end of the year, but I doubt it'll go that fast.

ATW has some changes coming up and Fisk needs to be inked and lettered.

I have some commissions that need to be done. Maybe they'll get done this week.

Hmmm, some other things that I can't talk about yet, but are starting to get started...

Anyway, That's it for now. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to add soon!

Stay tuned!


Dino said...

The website looks great Shawn.

Shawn said...

Thanks man!