Christmastime is here again.

Yup, It's that time of year. We got the trail permits for snowmachining yesterday and put up some decorations. My mom dropped off a pair of advent calendars (Spiderman and Winnie the Pooh) for Lena and me. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Spidey as much as the next comic geek, but it just didn't seem very festive. But it was swell of her to give'em to us anyway. This month is gonna be a whirlwind of art and promotion with not one, not two but three new projects nearing the horizon (well, I've probably already told you about "Against the Wall" which is available for order now. And I have a new book coming out in the spring, as well as a nearly completed first issue of yet another thing which I can't really talk about yet. So busy, busy. You know what they say... 'tis the season!

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