A quote I love...

Jason Rodriguez, Hoarse and Buggy editor, Here's the Thing... #11: Justin Does Good

Two sequential stories. Well written and well illustrated by Shawn Richter and Tim Twelves. Shawn Richter was a good call. He gets around, message board hopping, his work is recognizable. Somebody whose work you dig and when you see him doing somebody's story you know the story (or the dude in question) is alright.

Now that's nice to see. I'm glad J-Rod likes my art AND my opinions... I love it when I meet people who share similar views, since it seems that it seldom happens...!! (Although, a calm debate is cool too. It just seems that there are a lot of "hot button" topics!). Anyways, reading this particular review really gave me a warm glow, so I thought I'd share.

Thanks Jason!

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