Internet fights

Ok first:
"A Trip to Rundberg" DEC05 3013 go order it now. I'll be here when you get back.

Ok, now that's done, let me tell you about an experience I had yesterday.
In response to a criticism of my work, I wrote:

"If you don't like the pages you saw, that's fine. I'm not gonna apologise for my work. Maybe you only read (Comic Artist X)'s books, or you think that (Comic Artist Y) is an art god."

Simply illustrating that there are different tastes out there, and I'm not everyone's flavour. That's fine. I accept that.

Imagine my surprise when Comic Artist X himself replied in the thread!

"Well, if he's a fan of my work, he's no doubt a clever and discerning reader who shouldn't be insulted by the likes of you." (emphasis mine).

I was genuinely puzzled by this, as I'd never intended to insult anyone, and didn't see how it would be perceived like that (and at the speed that comic artist X had found an innocent little thread with his name in it so quickly. Must've been one of his fans and they emailed him or something, I guess.) I was also a little insulted and shot back:

"Chill dude. I only used you as an example, because you are a known artist (hey, last time I picked up one of your books you were working on the [popular comic title], so you've got a leg up on me!) and a different style than my own. I don't think it can be inferred that you were a bad artist, so you can drop the offended prima-donna routine. Who am I the "likes of", anyway?"

I also emailed him personally to explain that it wasn't intended as an insult. He seemed cool with it and I thought it was over.

Silly fool! This is the internet! It's never over!

Along comes another poster, who apparently decides to back up his idol:

"You insult him first, then get offended when he defends himself, and you are calling Him a prima donna? Check your ego at the door ,kid."

Well, I do have an ego, I've never denied it. But what the fuck? Is this any of this guys business? no, but he's decided to get involved anyway... (remember this is the internet!). I decide to set him straight:

"I didn't insult Ethan. I think he's a fine artist and i've patched things up with him privately. I no more would have insulted ketchup if i'd said, "perhaps you like that ketchup better than my mustard." You are making a value judgement where there isn't one.

And yes I have an ego. Fucking huge one. Thanks for noticing."

Ok. THAT should clear things up. Er...

Comic Artist X: "Oh, I didn't see the 'offended prima donna' thing, and his advice that I 'drop it'. I glossed over that. That's pretty outrageous.

But thanks for the apology email."

Outrageous?! Come ON! Just calling a spade, a spade bro.

Me:"Dude, I don't know why I keep checking back in this thread. Masochistic streak I guess.

I might have been a little overboard, I admit, but allow me to re-iterate: There was NO INSULT that could have POSSIBLY BEEN INFERRED from my comment. I just can't see it. He said, "I don't like pepsi" and I responded, "Well maybe you like coke."

When you came in here and saw your name AND ASSUMED I was insulting you somehow, then commented about "the likes of you" (as in, I don't know, someone of disrepute? bad taste? poor ability?) yeah, I got a bit peeved. Hence the "prima-donna" comment, because, sorry to say, at that moment, Comic Artist X, you were acting a little holier-than-thou. But then I thought, hey maybe it's a mis-understanding. So I emailed you privately and I thought that would be the end of it.

Now someone else who was not involved has brought it to your attention and you're in here calling me outrageous. I don't get it, man. It's making my head spin.

Really, where did I insult you Comic Artist X? New Poster, can you point it out? I didn't! So quit worrying about it. I mean, isn't comics small enough as it is? I tell you what Comics Artist X, I'll buy you a drink in San Diego next year and maybe we can laugh about this like adults. Whaddya say?"

Do you think he said, yeah, let's cool it. We're both over-reacting a bit...? Hello, this is the INTERNET! Haven't you been listening?!

Comic Artist X:"Bye, Shawn." (Condescending much?)

Oh well. What can you do? I mean, I don't want people to think I'm a dick, but I'm no doormat either. Funny thing, I know I'm gonna run into this guy at a con sometime... I wonder what will happen then....

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